What dogs really want for Christmas

Did your pet find presents among the wrapped packages stacked beneath the Christmas tree or in stockings “hung by the chimney with care”?

Fifty-eight percent of  “pet parents” bought a holiday gift for their pet, according to survey by the Wild Earth pet food company. The only thing that surprises me about that survey is that 42% did not buy pet presents.

The survey also said 41% of people will make a special pet holiday meal, 33% will dress their pets for holiday occasions and 26% will do a “pet photo shoot” that in some cases will front the family Christmas card.

Absent from these surveys is questions about what dogs, in particular, want and need. I assume more walks, more active interaction with people and dogs, and more outings at dog-friendly events. 

Many dogs and many people need more exercise, and walking suits dogs and people of all ages and fitness levels. Going outside to go walking in the sunshine can help beat the “winter blues,” especially during the pandemic when many people have spent more time at home. 

Whatever you do, your dog will enjoy their time with you. They love us unconditionally whether we got them a gift or not. They just want to spend time with us.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Ken Ueda